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I am the Momma of 8 children. Seven here on earth and 1 precious little Angel in Heaven. My children range in age from 2 months to 25 years. My 6 year old was born with a laundry list of complex medical conditions. He has Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome), a rare brain malformation, which resulted from a mutation of the PAX-6 gene, bilateral anophthalmia, which means that he was born without any eyes, so he is totally blind. At the age of 2 1/2 months old he had to have a tracheostomy to help aid in his breathing. He is hearing impaired, with normal hearing in his left ear and has profound deafness in his right. At 3 1/2 years he had surgery to have a Mic-Key button placed in his stomach (feeding Tube), which is mainly used to give him his medications. He also has insulin dependant diabetes and wears an insulin pump, which gives him a continuous dose of insulin. Even with his many dis"abilities," including being globally developmentally delayed, he has accomplished more than anyone would have ever believed that he could. Join us in our journey living with a Dis"Abled" child....

Friday, July 10, 2009

Playing with the Big Boys!

We try to expose Timmy to many different experiences that he may othewise never have the opportunity to experience in his lifetime. Why shouldn't we? Just because Timmy is a special needs child with many complex medical issues doesn't mean that he shouldn't be exposed to and have the same opportunities as other "healthy" children of his same age. What does he gain and learn from these experiences, being he has so many complex medical issues? Timmy's hands are is eyes and ears. By allowing him to have "hands on" experiences, he is more able to understand our description of the things/objects in the world in which he can't see or may have trouble hearing. He is learning not to be afraid of unfamiliar movements, sounds, and smells. He is learning that things in his world have a purpose and can help us all with daily tasks/jobs. He is learning through the different movements (ex. vibration), sound, smell (deisel), and touch (pull of a lever, turn of a knob) how things/objects function. "Typical" children learn in the same way, except they are able to use visual and audiotory stimuli and with "hands on" exploration, they are able to obtain a wealth of information about objects and how the function.

Today, dad decided that it would be a good experience for Timmy to be able to sit on a backhoe while it was running, just to experience the vibration, sounds and smell from the equipment. And to be able to explore the levers and how they are used to operate the backhoe. And of Course, being the boy that Timmy is, he LOVED it! When Dad first cranked up the backhoe, Timmy got very excited! He started saying Wow, Wow and had was full of grins and giggles.

Our camera/camcorder isn't working properly, so unfortunately all I had to take pictures with was my cell phone. The pictures aren't that great. But I was able to capture memories that otherwise may have gone unrecorded.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wow that's awesome! You know what, little girls like that stuff too!

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