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I am the Momma of 8 children. Seven here on earth and 1 precious little Angel in Heaven. My children range in age from 2 months to 25 years. My 6 year old was born with a laundry list of complex medical conditions. He has Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome), a rare brain malformation, which resulted from a mutation of the PAX-6 gene, bilateral anophthalmia, which means that he was born without any eyes, so he is totally blind. At the age of 2 1/2 months old he had to have a tracheostomy to help aid in his breathing. He is hearing impaired, with normal hearing in his left ear and has profound deafness in his right. At 3 1/2 years he had surgery to have a Mic-Key button placed in his stomach (feeding Tube), which is mainly used to give him his medications. He also has insulin dependant diabetes and wears an insulin pump, which gives him a continuous dose of insulin. Even with his many dis"abilities," including being globally developmentally delayed, he has accomplished more than anyone would have ever believed that he could. Join us in our journey living with a Dis"Abled" child....

Sunday, June 3, 2012

True Friendship

A True Friend isn't judgemental or have low expectations of you, like your parents or teachers may have. A True Friend only expects you to be who you are and the best that you can be.
A True Friend doesn't taunt or tease you, so that you strike out physically and are the one to get into trouble. A True Friend is a person who brings out the good qualities in you and in the process makes you smile.
A True Friend gets overly excited with the smallest of your accomplishments.
Timmy is Alli's True Friend!
Here are a couple of pictures of Alli helping to give Timmy his medication and his snack.
How adorable!

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