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I am the Momma of 8 children. Seven here on earth and 1 precious little Angel in Heaven. My children range in age from 2 months to 25 years. My 6 year old was born with a laundry list of complex medical conditions. He has Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome), a rare brain malformation, which resulted from a mutation of the PAX-6 gene, bilateral anophthalmia, which means that he was born without any eyes, so he is totally blind. At the age of 2 1/2 months old he had to have a tracheostomy to help aid in his breathing. He is hearing impaired, with normal hearing in his left ear and has profound deafness in his right. At 3 1/2 years he had surgery to have a Mic-Key button placed in his stomach (feeding Tube), which is mainly used to give him his medications. He also has insulin dependant diabetes and wears an insulin pump, which gives him a continuous dose of insulin. Even with his many dis"abilities," including being globally developmentally delayed, he has accomplished more than anyone would have ever believed that he could. Join us in our journey living with a Dis"Abled" child....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dr. Ali's Gift

It is nice when as a parent of a special needs child, we are able to take our children to see one of their Doctors when the child isn't sick. To have a special visit. A visit in which you are able to thank the Doctor for all s/he has done for your child and the entire family. A visit in which you let the Doctor know that he isn't just a major team player in the care of your child, but a true family friend.

It is nice to be able to walk into the clinic, tell the receptionist that the Doctor is expecting you. And No we don't have an appointment. To be called back to see the Doctor after just a few minutes. To see the glares from the parents of children who are tired, hungry, anxious, being unruley, who have been waiting to see the Doctor for what seems like hours. The glares don't bother you, because for once our child is seeing the Doctor and s/he isn't sick. The glares don't bother you, because your heart is filled with joy, love, pride, thanks, so many emotions to even put into words.

We had one of those visits today.

We took Timmy to see his Endocrinologist. Timmy had a special Christmas/Thank You gift to give to Dr. Ali. Dr. Ali is and has been Timmy's/our #1 team player, in Timmy's care, for the past 7 years. Without Dr. Ali's professionalism, care, dedication, knowledge, understanding, and his ability to trust and believe in us as Timmy's parents, Timmy wouldn't be as healthy as he is today.

Thank You Dr. Ali for all you have done and all that you do to help keep Timmy healthy.

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